2Generation Pilots Partner with Local Early Childhood Councils

2Generation Opportunities, or 2GO, is an effort to help communities innovate and create their own ways of engaging in a two-generation approach to service delivery. In November 2018, the 2GO pilot awarded 10 grants of $100,000 each to regional and community collaborators who have proposed innovative ways to create a path to the middle class for families. Notably, Councils are key leaders with local pilots to ensure the needs of young children and their families are met.
Alliance for Kids and Joint Initiatives for Youth and Families as the fiscal agent will initiate a two-generation approach on support services to reduce incidences of child maltreatment in areas of concentrated poverty within El Paso County. They will also work to improve economic and educational success for parents. With community partners from across the county they will capture family voices and use the data to establish a sustainable community system that better addresses the whole family.
The Routt County Department of Human Services which serves as the fiscal agent for the local Early Childhood Council, First Impressions of Routt County, received grant funds to create an innovative approach to working with families when a parent is temporarily unable to be connected with their child(ren). They will work with First Impressions and other county programs to expand services, including providing additional support and education to families with children birth to five and implementing the recently developed Routt County Early Childhood Community Plan.
The two-generation approach encourages serving children and caregivers together to harness a family’s potential for permanent economic stability. Throughout the 10 pilots, Early Childhood Councils will serve as an integral partner providing a comprehensive view of local community needs, gaps, and strengths.
For more information on all the 2GO pilots visit https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdhs/2gen-pilot.