TEACH Early Childhood® Colorado Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions
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Potential Applicants
Sponsoring Programs or Programs Interested in Sponsoring a TEACH Recipient
In evaluations of TEACH Early Childhood®, sponsors often identify the release time component as one of the more difficult aspects. As a potential sponsor, you may recognize the importance of paid release time, but you also may be challenged with how to balance this with your need for full staffing. However, it is easier than you think!
- Offer release time during rest or planning times. Scholarship recipients can study or use the center’s computer for papers and class projects.
- Schedule release time when teacher:child ratios go down.
- Scholarship recipients can leave work early with pay and, if necessary, other qualified staff can substitute.
- Allow recipients to come in late or leave early while receiving usual pay.
- Pay scholarship recipients for their lunch breaks. But remember, recipients can’t work over 40 hours without overtime pay.
- Bank leave time and give scholarship recipients a whole day off before a major test, or give them half days off so it is easier to bring in a substitute.
- Any other creative ways you can find!
Paid release time acknowledges the time commitment a TEACH Early Childhood® Colorado recipient is making to your program; not only are they going to school but they are committing to stay employed in your program for a year after their contract is completed.
Additionally, TEACH will reimburse your program for release hours you provide at $15 an hour. If you provide the maximum release hours during the semester (36), TEACH will send your program a check for $540!
Use release time reimbursements to help with other TEACH related costs like the program’s portion of the tuition cost. It is up to you!
An essential component of most TEACH Early Childhood® Colorado scholarships is paid release time.
Because most TEACH scholarship recipients work full time and often have children of their own, paid release time helps balance responsibilities of going to school with their work and family obligations. Paid release time is defined as any paid time the sponsoring program gives the recipient to study, do homework, etc.
Continue exploring the FAQ to learn more about how to make this work for your program and how to collect reimbursement from TEACH for Paid Release Time.
The sponsoring program agrees to assist with tuition and fees, provide two hours of paid release time weekly, and provide a bonus or pay increase at the end of the recipient’s work commitment period. They will also agree to partnerships and ongoing communication with the TEACH office
TEACH Early Childhood® Colorado is a licensed program of Early Years.