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Welcome, TEACH Sponsors!

Benefits of Sponsorship

By sponsoring staff for the TEACH Early Childhood® Colorado Scholarship, you’re investing in a stronger, more qualified workforce. TEACH covers 90% of tuition and books, reimburses paid release time, and provides financial bonuses. Employers pay just 5% of tuition and contribute two hours of paid release time weekly, helping staff balance work and education. In return, your program benefits from improved retention, higher staff confidence, and greater quality of care, ensuring a thriving team and brighter outcomes for children.

Contact TEACH

Need Assistance? Contact the TEACH Team!

Shannon Hall, Senior Program Director
Ph: (720) 899-3047

Dallas Brown, Associate Program Director
Ph: (720) 588-2842

Interpretation available. Please schedule ahead of time.

Sponsor Stories of Impact

TEACH Impact Story: Cheryl

“It is with a grateful heart that I write about the meaning of the TEACH scholarship program to me. My appreciation of this program is two fold. Personally, I have been awarded the TEACH scholarship over many years. I cannot even remember when the first 

TEACH Impact Story: Denver Public Schools

“Our TEACH Recipient is becoming a stronger Early Childhood Paraprofessional and the TEACH Scholarship is helping her become a well-prepared teacher. This is a great opportunity for her to gain the education necessary to become a fully certified teacher!” – Denver Public Schools, TEACH Sponsor

TEACH Impact Story: Granby Play Days

“Our TEACH Recipient feels more confident in teaching after completing the TEACH Scholarship Program. This is shown in her leadership in the classroom and her ability to guide new teachers in the program.” – Granby Play Days

TEACH Impact Story: Shannan M, Primrose Schools of Lowry and Erie

“Both of our schools have greatly benefited from the TEACH Scholarship. It is a valuable scholarship program that enables early childhood educators to stay in the field while advancing their career. As an employer, it has been beneficial to have the TEACH partnership. It has 

TEACH Early Childhood®: A Year of Transformation & Challenges

As we reflect on the 2023-2024 school year, it is evident that the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® scholarship, with the help of funding from CDEC, has made an impact on early childhood professionals across Colorado. Despite challenges, the desire for higher education in early childhood remains strong.

Click to Read More about TEACH’s 2023-2024 impact, the challenges it is currently facing, and what you can do to help us tackle this challenge.

 TEACH Early Childhood® Colorado is a licensed program of Early Years.

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