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Services We Offer

ECCLA retains a highly qualified staff with diverse skill sets including coaching, facilitation, and assessment. To deliver on our mission of advocating and strengthening the accessibility, quality, and equity of local services and supports, ECCLA staff may utilize these skills in services provided to local communities and at the request of local Early Childhood Councils. Services will be provided based on staff capacity and include administering assessment tools, coaching, reflective supervision, training facilitation, and more. ECCLA retains the right to adjust fees as needed and based on individual circumstances.

We encourage you to reach out to your local Early Childhood Council for any of the services listed below before reaching out to ECCLA.

Service Menu

Early Childhood Coaching


ECCLA has several credentialed Early Childhood Coaches on staff to support the growth of early childhood professionals using strength-based practices and strategies. Please reach out to your county’s Early Childhood Council for coaching services before reaching out to ECCLA.

Reflective Supervision  


ECCLA offers Reflective Supervision with an experienced and credentialed supervisor to help early childhood professionals address challenges, process strong emotions, and reinforce strengths.

ECCLA’s Coach Credential Scholarship can help fund the Reflective Supervision hours needed to maintain your Early Childhood Coach Credential. Visit the Coach Credential Scholarship page for more information.

CDA Verification Visit

Infant-Toddler •  Preschool •  Family Child Care

No Charge* 

ECCLA has several CDA PD Specialists on staff who can perform your required verification visit. Please reach out to obtain a PD Reviewer ID #.

*An honorarium is paid to the CDA Specialist by the Council for Professional Recognition.

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) 2nd Edition

Infant / Toddler  •  Pre-K – 3rd Grade


This service includes minimum 2-hour observation (4 full cycles), a score summary, and the preparation of documentation to submit to Colorado Shines PDIS. A virtual 30-minute debrief session is available for an additional $50. An additional 2 full cycles (1 hour) are available to add on to your observation for $100. Observations are offered virtually or in-person. In-person assessments may include a charge for travel expenses.

Program Administration Scale (PAS-3)

$800 for Centers with 3+ classrooms / $600 for Centers with less than 3 classrooms. Scholarships are available to help with the cost of this assessment.

The Program Administration Scale is designed to reliably measure and improve center-based programs’ leadership and management practices. This service includes the administration of the tool which includes an interview and the verification of supporting documents, support preparing for the assessment, and a summary report. A PAS-3 observation, no matter the score, is currently worth 2 points toward the Colorado Shines Quality Rating as a business consultation practice. In-person assessments may include a charge for travel expenses.

ECCLA is the home of the Colorado anchor team for PAS and BAS.

Environmental Rating Scale Observation



This service includes a 3-hour observation of one classroom or family child care home, a score summary, and the preparation of documentation to submit to Colorado Shines PDIS. A virtual 30-minute debrief session is available for an additional $50. In-person assessments may include a charge for travel expenses. Family child care home business owners who have received a FCCHI Grant from ECCLA are eligible for a discount.

Strategic Planning Facilitation and Support for Early Childhood Councils and Nonprofits Organizations

Member Price: Travel expenses only • Community Price: $100/hour + travel expenses

ECCLA’s experienced nonprofit leadership team is available to facilitate strategic planning sessions for Early Childhood Councils and Early Childhood-focused nonprofit organizations.

Training Facilitation

Member Price: Travel expenses only • Community Price: $100/hour + travel expenses

ECCLA’s experienced staff are available to facilitate on several topics that include but aren’t limited to:

  • Topics aligned with Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals including but not limited to active supervision, routines and transition, using the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct
  • Early Childhood Program Administration including but not limited to calculating the cost of care, using the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct as an administrator, recruitment and retention
  • Leadership in Early Childhood Education
  • Justice, Equity, and Belonging
Members of ECCLA’s staff also have permission to facilitate the following trainings:
  • A Great Place to Work: Creating a Healthy Organizational Climate (from the Director’s Toolbox series)
  • The Right Fit: Recruiting, Selecting, and Orienting Staff (from the Director’s Toolbox series)
  • Widening the Lens: Looking at Quality from an Administration Perspective (PAS Overview)

The content will be tailored to your specific audience or group. If you are a program administrator looking for training for your staff, we encourage you to please reach out to your Early Childhood Council first for options.

Virtual Book Club Facilitation

Member Price: No Charge  • Community Price: $100/hour 

ECCLA’s Justice, Equity, and Belonging Collaborative is available to facilitate a professional development book club focused on particular books. The client is responsible for purchasing and distributing books to their group.

Current offerings include:

  • Don’t Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms by Iheoma Iruka, Stephanie Curenton, Tonia Durden
  • Stories of Resistance: Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education by Allissa Mwenelupembe
  • Available to create or support in the creation of a book club curriculum or guide
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